TOR for Research Consultancy - YES Amhara Project

πŸ“ Consultancy and Training, Quality Assurance, Research and Development
πŸ•’  Feb 27, 2024

Job Information

πŸ‘‰ Salary : Attractive
πŸ‘‰ Employment Type: Contract
πŸ‘‰ Job Level : Managerial Level (Manager, Supervisor, Director) πŸ‘‰ Deadline : Mar 08, 2024
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Job Description

1. Introduction

Even though Ethiopia has seen a steady increase in access to better water sources, keeping these sources effective is still quite difficult. A significant percentage of water schemes are not working. The main reasons are poor repair and maintenance capability, lack of willingness to pay for water services by communities, and poor information management on the operational status of water schemes. In order to ensure that communities have a consistent and uninterrupted supply of water, the Ethiopian government has acknowledged that other actors, particularly the private sector, must be involved in the operation and maintenance of water delivery infrastructure.

Helvetas Ethiopia has launched the Youth Entrepreneurship for Sustainable WASH Services (YES) initiative as a pilot to support the sector in addressing these challenges in the Wag-hemira and North Gondar zones of the Amhara region. In this innovative approach, private local service providers (PLSPs) have been brought into fill the operational and maintenance gaps.

In the project intervention areas mentioned above, young women and men organized and established enterprises to provide maintenance services and spare part supply for rural water users. In order to improve the community's ownership of the water supplies, YES supported in the legalization of WASHCOs as Water User Associations (WUA) to ensure improved system management and raise community awareness of the need to pay for water services. This allows youth enterprises to be engaged in providing repair and maintenance services in exchange for payment through an easy-to-use direct contracting mechanism.

Considering the positive accomplishments of YES-Amhara during the first phase in Wag-hemira and North Gondar zones, the regional bureau of Water and Energy and lower-level government institutions highly appreciate the initiative and are interested in continuing the collaboration with Helvetas.

Accordingly, Helvetas Ethiopia is planning to launch the second phase of YES Amhara by expanding its intervention areas to additional three administrative zones in the Amhara region in 2024-2026. Thus, Helvetas Ethiopia would like to hire a competent consultancy firm to review the achievements of phase I of YES Ahmara and conduct a baseline survey for the second phase (YES-Amhara II). The consultant will have two assignments in this term of reference- reviewing phase I and conducting a baseline survey for the second phase of the project.

2. Endline Evaluation/Review of Phase I

2.1. Theory of Change

If water users, organized in well-functioning water committees, are willing and able to pay for post-construction water services, if such services are provided by local small enterprises in a timely and affordable manner, and if the local government sets the standards and enables these post-construction services to be provided on a semi-commercial basis, then an autonomous market for these services will be created, down-time of water systems will reduce and an increase in access to clean drinking water will be achieved.

2.2. Objective of the Final Evaluation

To establish the extent to which the projects objectives were achieved, understand the projects contribution to the WASH sector and youth enterprise development, and analyze lessons learned.

2.3. Scope of Review/Evaluation

Geographically, the evaluation is expected to encompass six woredas in two administrative zones; hence, the evaluation will be conducted in North Gondar zone: Janamora, Debarq & Dabata woredas, and Wag-Hemira zone: Sekota Zuria, Dehana & Ziquala woredas. Since this is an endline evaluation, the study will assess the progress of the project towards the project goal and objectives from January 2021 to December 2023. Thus, it will cover the following impact and outcome indicators:

Project Goal: Youth enterprise market system developed and enhanced for sustainable and affordable WASH services:

  • Indicators

- % of non-functionality rate reduced

- Average downtime

- # of people with reliable water access

Outcome 1: Gainful employment ensured through youth enterprise development:

  • Indicators

- # of youths earned at least 2 USD per day (gainful income)

- % of youth members satisfied with the employment opportunities in the youth enterprises.

Outcome 2: Community ownership and management created through well-functioning WASHCO and active community participation:

  • Indicators

- # of well-functioning WASHCOs (# of WASHCOs which improved financial performance and scheme management practices)

- % of end users (hhs) paid water scheme repair & maintenance fees regularly

- # of households with access and use of improved hygiene and sanitation facilities

Outcome 3: Enabling environment for sustainable and affordable WASH services created at zonal level:

  • Indicators

- % of households access affordable to WASH services

- # of YEs diversify their business and functioning well using the created enabling environment

Outcome 4: Project learnings shared and advocated at zonal and regional level:

  • Indicators

- # of Policy and legal framework adopted

- # of initiatives applying project best practices

2.4. Evaluation Method

In this review/evaluation, both quantitative and qualitative methods shall be employed. To capture relevant information and to triangulate the findings of the assessment, mixed methods and tools would be used. The methodologies include,

  1. A comprehensive household survey will be implemented to measure outcome indicators that were set in the log frame.
  2. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions will include questions on key impact; attribution; enabling factors; unmet needs; etc.
  3. A thorough document review (project document, progress reports, and other relevant documents) should be reviewed to establish the set strategies and how they were addressed by the project.
  4. Observation if applicable.

The consultant should prepare a detailed methodology for conducting the evaluation taking into consideration the local context. Scientifically appropriate and valid sampling techniques, data collection tools, and data analysis procedures and techniques shall be briefed. The sample size and proposed tools will be discussed and approved by the project team before the commencement of the evaluation.

2.5. Key deliverables of the Evaluation:

  • Inception report with detailed work plan within two weeks after award. The report should include a thorough analysis of the literature on WASH governance and YE in the area, the research methodology, an outline of the report, anticipated questions, and a list of stakeholders to involve.
  • First draft Report within the stipulated time,
  • Presentations of key findings and recommendations to stakeholders
  • Final report not exceeding 25 pages- excluding annexes.

3. Baseline Survey of Phase II

3.1. Objective of the Baseline Survey

The overall objective of this baseline survey is to provide strong and evidence-based baselines for measuring project impact and success based on the project log frame. The specific objectives of the baseline study are as follows:

  • In consultation with the projects teams, review existing impact and outcome indicators and propose other indicators if applicable.
  • Undertake baseline assessment and determine the baseline values of the indicators proposed indicators in the log-frame. Thus, the consultant is expected to deliver baseline figures on the following indicators:

Table 1: Indicator and expected information on which indicator values will be determined.


Information to be collected

Baseline Value

Goal: Contribute to the realization of sustainable and affordable rural services for economic development and improved well-being of rural communities in the Amhara region.

% of People who directly benefit from enhanced/improved services

People who have access to sustainable and affordable rural utility services (WASH, solar, etc.) with respect to the overall population of the intervention areas

Outcome 1: Viable rural business in the WASH sector (rural service) ensured through enterprise development.

% of enterprise members who improved their income.

Youths working in the enterprises who improved their income as compared to the total targets.

% of enterprise members who are satisfied with the enterprise job opportunity

Youths working in the enterprises who are satisfied with the enterprise job opportunity in the project intervention areas.

Output 1.1: Young women and men who provide operation and maintenance services gain and professionalize their entrepreneurial and technical skills (with short term trainings)

# of young women and men completed training packages

Total number of young women and men completed training packages (both technical and entrepreneurship skills) designed by the project.

# of young women and men certified.

Total number of young women and men certified in those training packages.

Output 1.2: Youth Enterprises are established and grow their businesses

# of Enterprises established

Total number of enterprises established in the project intervention area.

# of youths started working.

A total number of youths started working within the established enterprises.

# of enterprises got access to MFI services.

A Total number of enterprises that got access to MFI services

Outcomes 2: Community ownership and the management of WASH systems improved.

% of community members contribute regular payment for scheme maintenance.

Community members who contribute regular payment for scheme maintenance with respect to the target population in the intervention areas

% legalized WASHCOs raised operation and maintenance fund.

Legalized WASHCOs raised operation and maintenance fund with respect to the targeted WASHCOs in the intervention areas.

Output 2.1: WUAs/WASHCOs are established and strengthened.

# of WUAs/WASHCOs established

Total number of WUAs/WASHCOs established in the project intervention areas.



Total number of WUAs/WASHCOs got capacity building support in the project intervention areas.

Output 2.2: WASHCOs are supported to improve their financial capacity.

# of WUA trained in water tariff setting, record keeping, and financial management.

Total number of WUAs trained in water tariff setting, record keeping, and financial management.

# of WASHCOs supported with financial documents and office supply.

The total number of WASHCOs got financial documents and office facilities support.

Outcome 3: Public and private sector actors have enhanced an enabling environment that provides supporting functions for the delivery and productive use of affordable and sustainable rural utility services.

Implementation bottlenecks solved by created/enhanced enabling environment

Existing bottlenecks impede delivery of sustainable and affordable rural utility services.

Output 3.1: Public sector actors institutionalize the best practices to bolster the functioning of WASHCOs and YEs

# of people participated the training (on WUAs establishment procedures and WASH database management).

Total number of people participated on how to establish WUAs and WASH database management in the project intervention.

# Curricula/modules developed

Mapping out existing curricula/modules developed.

# of directives and guidelines developed /reviewed

Mapping out existing directives and guidelines developed /reviewed.

# of woredas accessed to WASH database

Mapping out existing woredas accessed to WASH database.

Output 3.2: Private sector actors provide YE with services (e.g., finance, supply of raw materials, trainings) to improve the functioning of WASH + basic rural services sector

# of targeted sectors mapped

Mapping out existing private sectors provides support to youth enterprises

# of developed business model

Mapping out existing business model (if any)

# of YE diversify business (solar energy, EE technologies, etc.)

Total number of YE in the project area which have additional income source.

3.2. Scope of the Assignment

The baseline survey is expected to encompass seven woredas from six administrative zones. Accordingly, Wag-hemira zone: Sekota Zuria, Dehana & Ziquala woredas; North Gondar zone: Janamora, Debarq & Dabata woredas; East Gojjam zone: Gozamin and Hult Eju enessie woredas; Central Gondar: Alefa, Mirab Dembia & Gondar Zuria woredas, and South Gondar: Libokemkem & Guna Begemder. The technical scope comprises the following tasks: reviewing pertinent documents; creating an inception report; outlining the design and methodology of the baseline survey; creating tools for collecting survey data; conducting assessments at the field and organizational levels; and conducting a thorough analysis of the state of WASH governance and youth enterprise development initiatives in the project areas.

3.3. Methods

The baseline study will mainly adopt a cross-sectional study design with a blend of both quantitative and qualitative methods. However, a more detailed evaluation methodology is expected from the consultancy firm. The detailed design of the methodology should include the following:

  • The baseline survey design
  • Data collection instruments and approaches
  • Procedures for analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Report writing and sharing etc.

The Consultant is expected to make use of mobile data collection (Kobo Toolbox) and GPS tools in the baseline survey. This will range from data collection, analysis, and presentation of results.

3.4. Key Deliverables

The Consultant shall deliver:

  • The consultancy firm will have a kick-off meeting together with the project team to understand the project and to collect required documents such as the project proposal, results framework, etc.
  • An inception report detailing methodologies to be used and sample size calculations, a detailed execution plan, data-collection tools, and analytical methods,.
  • First draft Report within the agreed timeline between Helvetas and the consultancy firm,
  • Presentation/de-briefing on key findings and recommendations so that the stakeholders can have a clear understanding of the field findings.
  • Final report not exceeding 25 pages- excluding annexes.

4. Duration for both studies

The assignments are expected to be completed over 40 days - this period includes the provision of all deliverables and travel time. The assessment will be conducted from 15 March to 22 April 2024. Thus, qualified individuals or firms are invited to submit a proposal in response to this Terms of Reference no later than 8th March 2024.

Table 2: Tentative timeline of the consultancy work




Preparatory phase:

  • Review of project documents and understanding of the project contextual framework,
  • Designing baseline tools and data collection and analysis methodology.
  • Submission of the Inception Report, including sample size and data collection tools.

8 days

15-21 March/2024

Data Collection:

  • Training of enumerators, and
  • Data collection including travel days

16 days

22 March to 06 April 2024

Data Analysis & Report writing:

  • Narrative Report with annexures
  • Indicator value
  • First draft submission

8 days

07 14 April/2024

Dissemination and review of first draft to key stakeholders (YES-Amhara team).

4 days

15 18 April 2024

Validation workshops with project stakeholders.

1 day

19 April 2024

Incorporating feedback, finalizing the report

2 days

20 - 21 April 2024

Final report submission

1 day

22 April 2024


40 days

Note: The consultant may include a proposed timeline for the completion of the mentioned activities in his/her technical proposal.

5. Payment Modality

The payment plan shall be based on deliverables outlined upon the successful and satisfactory completion of activities. Therefore, the payment terms shall be as follows:

  • 35% upon submission of data gathering tools and inception reports.
  • 30% on submission of the first draft reports.
  • 35% on the final submission of the reports and with the approval of the project team.

6. Ethical Considerations

  • The study is expected to respect basic ethical principles of HELVETAS Ethiopia and international standardized research codes of ethics.
  • All research/study participants need to be informed primarily about the objectives and process of the study.
  • All the study-related documents including data-gathering tools, checklists, and forms will be HELVETAS Ethiopia property.

Job Requirements

7. Minimum qualification and experience

The assessments will be done by a local consultant/firm with a team composition of 2-3 individuals with a mix of expertise in:

  • Vocational management, adult education, cooperative management, economics, project management, community development, social work, sociology, and other related fields with MA/MSc.
  • Minimum of 6 years of relevant professional job experience (baseline assessments, monitoring and evaluation, impact evaluation, data collection and analysis, etc.).
  • Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including statistical sampling.
  • Present proof of at least three years of related consultancy and work experience in the sector.
  • Provide a sample report of at least one consultancy work accomplished in the area is advantageous.
  • Renewed and Valid professional license of the consultancy firm.
  • Experience working with local communities and non-governmental organizations.
  • Excellent writing, editing, attention to detail and organizational skills.
  • The consultant should complete the whole work within the given time frame and deliver the required documents.


  • Documents such as personal profiles and other credentials with a covering letter should be included to the technical proposal. The technical proposal should be typed in 12-point font, no longer than 7 pages.
  • The applicant shall list and briefly describe the name(s), qualifications and responsibilities of the staff proposed to work on the assignment. (CVs of proposed personnel should be included in an annex and not counted toward the page limit).
  • Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted with separate envelop.

1. Evaluation Criteria



Maximum Score/Points


Understanding of the TOR:

  • Understanding of the objectives and intervention strategies of the project
  • Understanding of the purposes of the study
  • Understanding of the content of the ToR
  • Possible constructive comments on the ToR



Methodology: appropriate methodology/approach to conduct the study

  • Appropriate sampling methods
  • Appropriate data collection tools
  • Reliability and appropriateness of the suggested methods
  • Techniques of data analysis leading to originality, meaningful conclusion, and feasible/operational recommendations



Proposal presentation:

  • Simplicity (absence of complexity and unnecessary jargons)
  • Lucid flow of ideas
  • Clarity and logical flow of Work Plan
  • Minimum level of errors, including mechanics; demonstrating presentation of excellent standard
  • Reasonableness of time period proposed.



Relevant Experience, Team Composition and Unique (extra) Qualities:

  • Team leader educational qualification and relevance to this assignment
  • Team members educational qualification and their relevance to this assignment
  • Related work experience of team leader and team members



Power Point Presentation (optional)

Total Technical



Financial Proposal:

Note: In order to consider the financial proposal for a given firm, the evaluation result of technical proposal shall be >65 out of 75.


How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates are encouraged to apply by sending their Technical and Financial Proposal with the above mentioned documents, and send applications only

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