TOR for Baseline Assessment for the Project entitled Eth_ Education and Child Protection Integrated Program in SNNPRS + Sidama

πŸ“ Consultancy and Training
πŸ•’  Jan 24, 2024
πŸ—ΊοΈ Addis Ababa

Job Information

πŸ‘‰ Salary : Attractive
πŸ‘‰ Employment Type:
πŸ‘‰ Job Level : Unfilled πŸ‘‰ Deadline : Feb 15, 2024
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Job Description


Eth_ Education and Child Protection Integrated project aims to address the education and protection needs of children in Sidama, Central and South Ethiopia Regional States. In Sidama region the project will be implemented in ALeta-wondo, Dale, and Wondo-Genet districts; in Southern Ethiopia in Wolayta and Gedeo Zones and in Central Ethiopia Regional State in Halaba zone. In these regions, the project will integrate child protection activities into existing school structures, ensuring a comprehensive approach to addressing the needs of children. The primary objective of the project is to enable boys and girls to enjoy their right to protection from abuse, exploitation, violence, and neglect.

Simultaneously, the project aims to enhance access to quality and inclusive early childhood care, so that children will develop school readiness and transition smoothly to primary education as well as improve their learning outcomes in primary education and beyond. These will be made possible through RTL, LB, and NB common approaches in education. To achieve these goals, the project will tackle harmful traditional practices through social behavioural change activities and capacity building for governmental and non-governmental service providers. Community dialogues, radio listening groups, and community conversations will play a crucial role in promoting positive attitudinal changes and dismantling cultural and social barriers that endanger children.

In addition, to close the parenting skill gap, enhance family communication, promote healthy relationships, and assist victims of violence, the initiative will employ common approaches including "Parenting without Violence" (PwV) and "Steps to Protect" (S2P). Through the integration of child-friendly spaces (CFS), psychological support (PSS), and awareness-raising activities within schools, it will also emphasise the reinforcement of school-based child protection programmes.

By combining education and protection efforts, the project aims to create a well-functioning child protection system that effectively prevents and responds to issues of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation and eventually creates a safe and inclusive learning environment for children. It will specifically target children aged 5-6, providing them with quality pre-primary education, and aged 7-14 providing quality primary education in SNNPR and Sidama.

The project in the education sector will support a total of 4,227 children aged 5-6, including those from South Omo, Sidama, Southern and Central Ethiopia regional states. Special attention will be given to creating safe learning environments, providing educational materials, and building the capacity of facilitators and caregivers. The project will ensure gender and disability responsiveness, fostering inclusive and safe spaces for all children. Education stakeholders will receive capacity-building support to promote inclusive, quality, and gender-responsive education practices.

For children in the lower primary grades, the project will provide support in literacy and numeracy skills through LB and NB interventions. A total of 14,105 children, including a significant number of girls, will benefit from these interventions. Gender and disability responsiveness will be prioritized, and WASH facilities will be established to enhance hygiene in schools. The project will also provide assistive devices to children with disabilities, establish clubs to promote their rights and support adolescent girls with menstrual hygiene management (MHM) kits. Teachers will receive training on inclusive education and effective pedagogical skills, along with assessments to be conducted to inform future programming and advocacy efforts.

The project intends to empower children, uphold their rights, and enhance their access to high-quality education through an all-encompassing strategy. The initiative will help to enhance the education and protection systems for children in the South Omo, Sidama, and SNNPR (now central Ethiopia) areas overall by addressing current issues and building on lessons acquired from earlier interventions.

In addition to the integrated child protection interventions, the proposed project acknowledges the existing efforts made by the government of Ethiopia to improve access to inclusive and quality education in the country and system strengthening for child protection and elimination of harmful traditional practices (HTP).

II. Project summary

Project General objectives - boys and girls enjoy the right to quality education and protection from violence and neglect through a well-functioning child protection system and improved access to education in Sidama, Central and South Ethiopia regional states.

Specific Objective(s)

Strengthened community-based child protection structures and mechanisms that prevent and respond to issues of violence, abuse neglect, and exploitation against children, in in Sidama, Central and South Ethiopia regional states.

Girls and boys who are at risk of HTPs and other vulnerable children will be protected and cared for according to their specific needs and best interests by formal and community-based child protection mechanisms and school-based CP activities supported by the project, in Sidama, Central, and South Ethiopia regional states. Local Civil Society organizations and CBOs (including CPC, women's association, and Women Development Army) take active action to increase community awareness and respond to protection issues against girls and boys.

v Target groups: Vulnerable and at-risk children in SNNPR and Sidama and the total targets during this project phase is summarized below:

Direct beneficiaries

26,903 children (14,587 female and 12,316 male)

Adult (including youth): 9,782 (4,896 females and 4,886males

Indirect beneficiaries

Children: 8,800 (5,280 females and 3,520 males)

Adults: 35,500 (18,300 females and 17,200 males)

v Implementing partners BoF, BoE WoCSA and COC

v Implementation areas (regions, woredas, schools, etc.) South Ethiopia, Central Ethiopia, and Sidama Regional states.


The purpose of this baseline assessment is to capture evidence on the performance of the project that is being implemented in three regions (Sidama, Central, and South Ethiopia). Besides, the purpose of the baseline assessment is to follow up on the impact brought by the project on reading skills of the learners and improvement in teaching capacity of teachers.

In addition, the assessment is expected to come up with key child protection related interventions (such as school clubs, psycho-social support activities, protection risk reporting and compliant handling mechanisms, capacity of teachers on the basics of CP in the schools and host community as well as how to deal with protection issues, identification, management, and analysis against child development and academic performances). The findings and recommendations will be used to monitor progress towards the project goal and objectives and to fill the gaps identified through the project implementation. The baseline report will be shared with different stakeholders, such as the women and social affairs bureau, education bureau and others to learn lesson from the project.

IV. OBJECTIVES OF THE Baseline Assessment 4.1. General Objective

The overall objective of the baseline assessment is assessing the status of child protection and education program/ projects in the project implementation areas and establish a benchmark for the current education and child protection integrated program.

4.2. Specific Objective s

  • Review project goals, objectives, and activities using DAC criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability)
  • Assess the situation of child protection concerns, systems, and mechanisms as well as community-based child protection mechanisms in and around schools.

Identify community level initiatives on addressing child protection, harmful traditional practices, GBV and other concerns, including compliant and feedback mechanisms and meaningful community participation platforms.

  • Assess the opinion of children on safe and accessible channels to report sexual exploitation and abuse (Cross-sectoral)
  • Analyse reading skills of early-grade learners against key project indicators in program operational sites.
  • Assess teachers skills and perception of effectiveness of existing literacy and numeracy boost delivery methodologies and recommend possible solutions for the new project.
  • Analyse the relevance and effectiveness of the project direction and strategy pursued to implement the project.


The study will cover ten districts of project intervention locations in three regions (Sidama, South and Central Ethiopia).

  • Sidama Region (Aleta wondo, Wondo Genet and Dale woredas),
  • Southern Ethiopia [ (Dilla town, Dilla Zuria, Wonago woredas of Gedeo Zone; Bayra Koysha and Offa woredas of Wolayta Zone and
  • Central Ethiopia regional state Halaba zone (Atoti Ulo, Kulito Town and Weira, Woredas).


Project Zones

Project Woredas

Number of intervention Schools

South Ethiopia Regional State


Dilla Zuria




Dilla Town



Bayra Koysha




Central Ethiopia Regional State


Atoti Ulo


Kulito Town




Sidama Regional State

Northern, Central and Southern Sidama

Wondo Genet




Aleta wondo





Type of study: quantitative, and qualitative (mixed method)

Using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the study should examine the project's key performance indicators. The project performance will be evaluated using the DAC criteria, which includes relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. Moreover, feasible methods are expected to assess child protection concerns in and around schools. The results of the evaluation should be triangulated using information from Women and Social Affairs and Education agencies at the district/ Zone/ region level and be supplemented with available international and national standards and tools on child protection and education to arrive at a trustworthy conclusion.

However, the detailed sampling method and design is expected to be worked out by the consultant/firm and it must be indicated in the technical proposal. Child participation is key, and the consultant is expected to ensure that the technical proposal meets the requirements for meaningful and safe participation of children and young people. The assignment will cover a sample of all projects operational sites and focus on the following main undertakings:

  1. Develop technical proposal for the assessment
  2. Conduct literature review
  3. Prepare and submit an inception report
  4. Develop data collection tools with focus on the indicators and refine with technical input from Save the Children
  5. Train experienced enumerators and collect data from the field
  6. Analyse the data and write a baseline report
  7. Prepare draft report, receive feedback from SC and ensure inputs are well addressed
  8. Present the baseline findings in platforms where SCI will create.
  9. Incorporate all comments and submit a final assessment report in hard and soft copy

VII. Roles and Responsibilities

Save the Children will:

  • Provide briefing about the project to the winning consultant and requirements of the inception report.
  • Provide all relevant background documents and data to the consultant.
  • Provide feedback on inception reports and data collection tools.
  • Supervise the data collection process and analysis to ensure quality.
  • Review and provide feedback on the draft report.
  • Arrange/ facilitate meetings to present the findings.
  • Effect payments based on the agreement signed with the consultant.

The consultant selected for the assignment will:

  • Attend SCIs briefing session about the project and how to develop an inception report.
  • Conduct literature review and incorporate it into inception and final report
  • Be responsible for the collection, entry, cleaning, and quality analysis of the baseline Assessment data and all costs associated with this.
  • Prepare and submit an inception report (as per SCI guidance and ToR) along with Quantitative and qualitative tools. The Assessment tools should answer all the project indicators.
  • Prepare a detailed work plan to achieve the assignment.
  • Deploy relevant, qualified, and experienced team members for the assignment.
  • Work on and submit a draft Baseline Assessment report to Save the Children

Present Assessment/assessment findings and recommendations to a validation workshop (using PowerPoint and possibly via virtual meeting).

  • Produce the final Baseline Assessment report as per the inputs of the validation workshop.
  • Prepare two pages of evaluation synthesis (synopsis) as per SCs template.

Detailed deliverables:

The deliverable will be the following.

  • Submit a concise inception report within the agreed timeline, detailing the baseline study design and work plan before starting any data collection.
  • Review the existing relevant program documents, including the project document and log frame.
  • In consultation with relevant SCI staffs, design the baseline study methodology, sampling method, data collection tools (Assessment questionnaires, key informant interview guides, focus group discussion guides, observation guides, etc.) as necessary. The study design and sampling method must be in line with the Gender Equality and Social inclusion principles.
  • Develop a practical work plan for the execution of the baseline study as per the agreed timeline.
  • Execute the baseline assessment plan as per the agreed work plan and timeline.

Under this deliverable, the consultant will oversee the progress of the baseline study.

against an agreed timeline.

VIII. Tentative Schedule for the baseline assessment





Contract Signing

15th February 2024

Signed Contract

Desk Review and inception report

5 days

20th February 2024

Inception Report with tools

Tool development and Data collection

12 days

2nd March 2024

agreed on the tool developed

Training of data collectors

Required data collection manpower in place

Collection of data

Data collected

Analysis and Report writing

8 days

10th March 2024

Draft Report

Finalization of report

5 days

20th March 2024

Updated Log Frame the task is SCI CO and HFO Education team.

Total Days

35 Calendar days

The consultant is expected to deliver the assignment within 35 calendar days after signing the agreement. The technical proposal submitted to Save the Children needs to include a work plan in compliance with the duration of the assignment. The time frame for this consultancy is between 15th February to 20th March 2024. The consultant must ensure the completion of the entire baseline deliverables within this timeframe. The level of effort for this assignment is approximately 35 calendar days, the breakdown is as follows.

The consultant must ensure the completion of the entire baseline deliverables within this timeframe.

IX. Budget and payment schedule

The consultant is expected to submit details of the total cost (in ETB) based on unit costs and disaggregated by line items in a separate sealed envelope. The total cost needs to be inclusive of VAT.

The consultancy firm shall be responsible for covering its staff insurance and all taxes arising from fees paid under the agreement.

  • How the payment will be made to the consultancy service?

The payment will be effective in three rounds:

o 1st payment: 30% upon signing of the agreement and submission of the inception report.

o 2nd payment: 30% upon receipt of acceptable first draft report

o 3rd payment: 40% upon submission of the final report and all other deliverables indicated in this guide.

  • All payments shall be subject to appropriate taxation.

X. Selection Criteria

Consultant Profile

The consultant will be responsible for planning and delivering the baseline study within the agreed standards and timeline. The consultant will recruit relevant team members and be accountable for all persons engaged during the study. The lead consultant should possess the following qualifications:

  • Minimum of a masters' degree qualification from a recognized university in monitoring and evaluation, education, social studies, law, public health, development studies, economics, or any other relevant degree
  • A minimum of 7 years' experience in conducting project monitoring and evaluation studies, including education projects or programs.
  • Must have good knowledge and understanding of issues around access to and quality of education at the primary level (Grades 1-4) and the challenges faced by marginalized groups, including People Living with Disability in accessing quality education.
  • Must have in-depth knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic, and political context of Child protection.
  • Previous work experience with similar assessment assignments on Child protection (school-focused), community services, migration, and education especially in the development context
  • Must possess solid methodological and research skills demonstrated through recognized research pieces and evaluations by different organizations.
  • Must possess excellent report writing, analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills.
  • In-depth knowledge of the socio-cultural, economic, and political context of the study location
  • The ability to work collaboratively with multiple individuals and groups as well as research projects with international and local organizations (references with sample copies of the title of research work conducted with local and international organizations) will be an added advantage.
  • Ability to produce high-quality work under tight timeframe.
  • Must be available within the period of the assessment.
  • Previous work experience with marginalized groups, including women, low-income youth, and persons with disabilities, will be an asset.
  • English language is essential.

Job Requirements

Application requirements

Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest and it should include the following:

  • Technical proposal (maximum 20 pages) including the key evaluation questions, methodologies, and proposed schedule.
  • Company profile(s): documentation of legal status and registration as a Company.
  • Renewed License.

The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services to be rendered including daily consultancy fees. The consultancy firm must cover all field related costs of its staff (accommodation, per diem, air tickets, and transportation to the field to collect data, food, and other related costs).

  • A financial proposal should include a detailed budget break down of all costs by different categories, e.g., professional fees, travel, accommodation, etc.
  • Cover letter and CV (maximum of 3 pages; with reference) of each person who would be involved in the evaluation.
  • Team CV, including track record of recent projects, and references of at least three (3) recent clients.

Technical proposal evaluation criteria



  1. 1. Technical proposal

  1. Understanding of the TOR


  1. Quality of the Technical proposal (in line with the TOR) and clarity of methodology


  1. Consultancy Team Up relevant education and technical experience of the core team


  1. Experience with the consultancy firm for conducting similar works in a similar context


  1. Delivery schedule meeting the ToR needs


Total score of the technical proposal


Note: 1. Only consulting firms scoring 40% and above on the technical evaluation shall be considered for financial review.

2. Financial Proposal should link costs to the activities and outputs in the Terms of Reference

Note: Among those technically responsive consulting firms the lowest price offered will score 40% and the others' offer will be calculated proportionally with the price of the least offered.


3. Total (Combined) scores, (technical plus financial)

Note: The highest combined score will be the winner for the assignment.


Terms and Conditions of the Consultancy

Code of conduct: Because Save the Children's work is based on deeply held values and principles, our commitment to children's rights must be supported and demonstrated by all staff members of the consultancy firm. Save the Children's Code of Conduct (CoC) sets out the standards that the consultant will also be expected to adhere to. Consultants must sign the child-safeguarding policy of Save the Children before departing to the field and ensure compliance with the code while on duty.

Logistics: The consultancy firm will cover the costs of accommodation, per diem, air tickets, and travel including vehicles for its staff and enumerators during data collection.

Tax and insurance: The consultancy firm will be responsible for paying taxation and other related government fees.

Contract: a contract will be signed between the consultancy firm and SCI upon the commencement of the baseline assessment detailing additional terms and conditions of service.

XI. Ownership

All data and products of the evaluation are the property of Save the Children. Therefore, the consultant shall not be entitled either directly or indirectly to make use of the report for other purposes without the prior written consent of Save the Children. Save the Children reserves, the right to choose any one of those applying or reject all bids received.

How to Apply


The technical and financial proposals should be submitted separately using sealed envelopes labelled with the evaluation/ study title. The submission should include an application consisting of a cover letter, evidence of legal registration and tax payment, and at least three relevant references from former clients. Interested applicants should apply Via Email to Save the Children Ethiopia Country Office before the close of business until February 15, 2024.

Save the Children believes that safeguarding children from any form of abuse and exploitation is a fundamental duty of all staff, representatives, and partners. The consultancy firm is required to observe the application of code of conduct during the assignment period. Any breach of such code of conduct is very likely to result in termination of the contract.

Electronic Submission via Email in a separate technical and financial document

Email should be addressed to

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