Regional Routine Immunization and COVID-19 vaccination coordinator Technical Assistants

📁 Health Care
🕒  Oct 18, 2024
🗺️ Tercha

Job Information

👉 Salary : Attractive
👉 Employment Type: Contract
👉 Job Level : Senior(5-8 years) 👉 Deadline : Oct 27, 2024
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LonAdd HR Consultancy Plc ( is a Recruitment & Outsourcing Company based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with branch offices in Dukem and Hawassa. We are looking to recruit a qualified candidate on behalf of our client.

Location    Tercha, South West Ethiopia


Ethiopia is struggling with multiple complex challenges in recent years, mainly the ongoing conflict and COVID-19 pandemic, extremely affected child vaccination and contributed to rise the number of zero-dose children and vaccine preventable outbreak occurrence. It is estimated that among Ethiopia’s annual birth cohort of around 3.6 million about 1.14 million (30%) remain zero dose which makes Ethiopia one of the countries in the world with the largest number of zero-dose children. The recurring measles outbreaks in many parts of the country also illustrate the low coverage of the immunization.

Children living in rural, geographically isolated, topographically hard to reach areas, urban slums, and outskirts, displaced persons and those who are from the poorest and uneducated families are not utilizing the immunization service or dropping out from consecutive doses. This is mainly due to inadequate evidence-based planning, prioritizing, targeting, limited supportive supervision and process level monitoring at service provision level leading to inadequate knowledge and skill among service providers, lack of systematic monitoring sessions and service delivery approaches. 

The Government’s strategic plan- the second health sector transformation plan (HSTP II), the EPI comprehensive multi-year plan (cMYP 2021 to 2025) and immunization road map stipulates zero dose and missed community and inequity among geographic areas and different population groups as priority. Client as mandated to monitor inequities among child health outcomes, is providing critical support to the government of Ethiopia to be able to expand immunization services for all children focusing on underserved community. Hence, reaching the poor and most deprived communities with cost-effective interventions such as immunization save more lives. Client’s technical support on equity analysis, bottleneck assessment, capacity building on identification of underserved communities, prioritization, evidence-based planning/problem solving, and monitoring has shown results to increase coverage of penta3 from 85% to 89% in Client supported zones during the last year.

Client deployed qualified Technical Assistants who supported maintaining and/or restoring immunization service, implementation of immunization improvement roadmap and supporting roll out of COVID-19 vaccination. The TAs received training and guidance on immunization improvement Roadmap and COVID-19 vaccination rollout. They transferred knowledge and skills to government staff at RHBs, zones, woreda and Primary health care units on the use of tools for better planning and monitoring sessions, coverage verification, data validation and feedback provision. This is implemented in partnership with FMOH, RHBs, ZHDs, EPI partners, local/INGO, and other relevant sector offices. A blended approach of supportive supervision, close monitoring, use of standard tools, and provision of positive learning environments at all levels is institutionalized and sustained in some of the zones. Thus, the MoH and regional state health bureaus requested Client for such additional support. 


With the principle of no child left behind, improving immunization coverage, and ensuring equitable access to, and utilization by underserved children is the key priority for Client. Over the years, though, overall vaccination coverage has improved; however, there are children who left behind in war-torn, geographically isolated, and hard to reach areas, urban slums and have poorest and uneducated parents. These children are not able to fully utilize the immunization services due to various security, social, economic, and/ or geographic barriers. 

Deployment of TAs at sub-national level will improve the immunization coverage and equitable use of vaccination services among underserved communities and enhance integration of COVID-19 vaccination with routine immunization and primary health care. 


To improve immunization equity and coverage to reach the zero-dose children, enhance COVID-19 vaccination integration through quality technical assistance, continuous capacity building, supportive supervision, monitoring of implementation, and enhancing accountability. 

 Specific objective

  • To provide technical assistance on identification of low performing spots and missed community with zero-dose children, assessing health system constraints, and causalities. 

  • To build the capacity of immunization mangers and service providers on equity analysis, bottleneck assessment, planning, implementation, and monitoring.

  • To provide support in devising strategies to reach zero dose children by implementing problem-specific solutions to overcome the barriers.

  •  To provide technical assistance on COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the overall coordination of the monitoring and evaluation process

  • To generate evidence, enhance advocacy and accountability, and document good practices.

Scope of Work

Regional Technical Assistants will provide technical support to RHB, zones and woredas to improve immunization coverage through addressing the equity issues and strengthening immunization systems for both routine program and COVID-19 vaccination. 

Key Tasks 

  • Provide quality technical assistance on spatial planning, identification of underserved communities (geographic, demographic, security, economic and social barriers) in GAVI strategic focus area (SFA) target woredas through multi-sectoral approach (immunization, nutrition, child protection including birth registration and support big catch-up vaccination at kebele and health facility level  
  • Support on identifying health system bottlenecks in immunization coverage, inequity, and causalities and identification of priority solutions to address the bottlenecks and causes for high number of Zero dose children
  • Provide support to Primary health care units to develop quality and costed micro-plan including session, vaccine, demand generation and budget plan 
  • Conduct and ensure monitoring of activities, immunization session, vaccine, temperature, immunization coverage status among high risk community, and cause for unimmunized children
  • Provide focused support to MCV2 in respective region and its zones to improve coverage with the scope of  second year life vaccination 
  • Provide technical assistance on COVID-19 vaccination rollout and the overall coordination of the monitoring and evaluation process
  • Strengthen implementation of effective vaccine management across the health system.     
  • Provide technical support on demand promotion activities
  • Provide support for rollout of new vaccine introduction and switch 
  • Enhance concurrent monitoring of immunization activities through rapid community survey, session monitoring, data verification and systems assessment
  • Support implementation of COVID-19 integration with RI
  • Ensure supply availability and monitoring of vaccine stock
  • Participate on technical working group meeting
  • Document good practices and share lessons                                                            

Detailed Activities

Regional Technical Assistants will be responsible for providing technical support to respective RHB, ZHD and woredas to implement and monitor routine immunization coverage improvement plan and enhance COVID-19 vaccination rollout. They will undertake the following specific responsibilities.

  1. Coordinate Evidence-based Equity Assessments 

    • Organize cascaded equity analysis workshop, mapping at woreda, health facility and community level to describe physical and social characteristics/barriers and identify zero dose underserved and zero dose children (who, how many, where and, why).

    • Support assessment of key health system bottlenecks related to supply, demand, EPI  programme management, quality of services and causes (what are and why resists) 

    • Regularly consult and work with respective RHB/Client Field Office Health Team, WHO EPI and surveillance officers and other partners to reach in consensus on necessary actions to be taken by all partners and monitor the implementation.

    • Coordinate regional/Zonal EPI Technical Taskforce, strengthen partnership and resource mobilization towards the implementation of Immunization Improvement Roadmap. 

  2. Facilitate high quality and tailored micro-plan

    • Work closely with health care delivery system in the region, zone, woreda and health facilities to improve capacity for equity focused EPI micro- planning and preparation of bottom-up community-based micro-plans and resource allocation.

    • Provide technical and operational assistance to ensure that kebele level equity- focused EPI micro-plans are prepared (using a community participatory approach at the local level), regularly updated, and implemented.

    • Ensure that issues identified in high-risk communities are well addressed in the micro plan to ensure no children in those areas are left behind.

  3. Ensure timely andadequate vaccine supply, proper cold chain, and temperature monitoring

    • Facilitate timely distribution of vaccines (including COVID-19) and supplies to service delivery points

    • Identify gaps in the system for CCE handling, maintenance, and operations; facilitate timely resolution. 

    • Facilitate, where necessary, skills improvement in managing inventory, reporting on monthly consumption and requesting replenishment of vaccines and bundled devices; while improving local systems for vaccine delivery to all levels, including outreach with overall goal of maintaining good logistics management practice on supplies availability (minimum to maximum level) in each month

    • Facilitate regular EVM self-assessments, development of improvement plan and support its implementations

    • Build capacity of cold chain focal persons at every level to monitor and analyze records from temperature monitoring devices and take actions based on findings. 

  4. Support for routine immunization advocacy social and behavioral change communication 

    • Prepare periodic advocacy factsheet based on local evidence for local government and stakeholders to enhance program support, resource mobilization, and system strengthening.   

    • Support respective RHB/ZHD in conducting advocacy and social mobilization activities to ensure involvement of Government and strategic partners (NGOs, medias, Education sector, etc.) 

    • Support the implementation/revitalization and capacity strengtheining of regional/zonal social and behavioral change communication (SBCC) Technical Taskforce.

    • Ensure the communication strategy development is participatory (including health officials, opinion leaders, local community platforms and communication structures), uses available social data; is context-specific, and addresses issues related with social distance and other barriers using socio-ecological, health believe model and human design approach.

  • Support COVID-19 vaccination integration with RI and PHC  and new vaccine introduction and switch 

  • Actively participate in the regional and zonal Technical Working Group (NTWGs) for COVID-19 vaccine integration

  • Provide technical assistance at all levels to estimate potential numbers of target population that will be prioritized for access to vaccines stratified by priority target group and geographic location.

  • Support training, and planning for COVID-19 vaccination integration.

  • Support switch of Rota vaccine

  • Support new vaccine introduction including IPV2, malaria and other upcoming new vaccines

  1. Monitor EPI performance and improve quality of data 

  • Provide technical support for RHB/ZHD/Woredas and health facilities to have good documentation (list of missed communities with details and means of access, equity focused micro plans, estimated number of target population, service delivery strategy, cold chain and vaccine supply monitoring plans), updated vaccine ledger book, and  EPI  recording and reporting formats 

  • Support d4egitalization of existing integrated supportive supervision checklist to ODK platform and use applicable digital platform. Document findings and lessons learned from monitoring. 

  • Monitor and report results on change (removal of bottlenecks and change in vaccination status in high risk groups) attributed with equity-focused immunization program support using agreed reporting template.

  • Provide technical assistance to RHB and ZHDs on EPI data collection, analysis and management to help data utilization for evidence-informed decision-making and planning for improvement in vaccine and cold chain management and coverage improvement. 

  • Identify, poor performing woredas for focused monitoring and to plan regular supportive supervision visits to improve performance. 

  • Actively support periodic regional performance review meetings.

  1. Surveillance and early life-saving response to vaccine preventable disease outbreaks 

  • With RHB surveillance team monitor monthly disease reports, AEFIs and rumors, contribute to outbreak investigations, and facilitate timely and appropriate response.

  • Triangulate and use surveillance data for analysis and planning.

  1. Capacity Building

  • Support RHB in strengthening the capacity through on-job training, workshops, onsite demonstrations, and providing support materials on routine immunization, supplementary immunization activities, COVID-19 vaccination rollout and new vaccine introduction.

  • Regularly conduct equity-focused routine immunization activities in each priority woredas, PHCU, HPs including hard to reach settings 

Expected Deliverables

  1. Documented, sustained improvement in results of problem-solving of system bottlenecks that contribute to improve immunization coverage and equity. 

    1. Supervisory and monitoring system for EPI and COVID-19 vaccination are in place and well-functioning.

    2. Community-owned immunization work plans, and session plans are available, implemented, and monitored at woreda and PHCU levels.

    3. Cold chain system is functioning, and vaccines (EPI and COVID-19) are regularly available and being used at all level.

    4. Health worker/HEW are trained in EPI service delivery and recording/reporting. 

  2. Functional RHB, zonal and woreda EPI and SBCC Task Force/social mobilization committee 

  3. Periodic (Monthly, quarterly, biannual, and annual) progress/performance and status report using agreed template are prepared and shared 

  4. At least one good/best practice, including inputs for human interest story, is documented quarterly
  5. Functional cold chain system with “No alarm record and No VVM above stage 2 and expiry date” 


  • Regional Technical Assistant will work under the direct supervision of the Client field office Health Team and overall guidance of Immunization team at Client country office. They will work closely with respective RHB, and provide direct support and progress report to the EPI focal person of RHB 

  • The TAs will prepare and compile a monthly travel plan and get approved from the supervisor (Client field office Health Team)

  • Using an agreed format, the TAs will submit a monthly progress and travel report to respective RHB/ Client field office Health Team and Client country office immunization Team.


  • TAs will be recruited through a Client-appointed third-party HR Management firm.

  • TAs will be embedded in respective RHB, and is expected to support RHB

  • TAs will be consulting and planning with the RHB and Client field office Health Team for any logistic arrangements. They will be paid DSA as per government rate for overnight stay outside the duty station of posting; and entitled for monthly air time of 500 ETB 

  • TAs should use personal materials/equipment, i.e. mobile phone, computer etc. 

  • The payment of monthly remuneration is subjected to the completion and submission of monthly progress report for certification. 

Policy both parties should be aware of:

  • HR firm will manage all the administrative issues and aspects based on HR’ policies and procedures.

  • All remuneration must be within the contract agreement through the HR firm

  • No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both HR firm and TA.

  • Travel will be facilitated and managed by the HR firm in agreement with Client.

  • Consultants will not have supervisory responsibilities or authority on Client budget.

Expected background and Experience

  1. Education: Master’s degree in public health with Public Health Experience 

  2. Work Experience: professional work experience of at least 10 years in planning, management, monitoring, and evaluation of immunization program. Experience of working on EPI at national and sub-national level.

  3. Languages: Fluency in English is required and knowledge of main local language of the respective region is mandatory 

  4. Other Skills and attributes: 

  • Interpersonal communication skills, teamwork, work adaptability in multi-cultural environment, proven ability to facilitate cooperation in a multidisciplinary team.

  • Self-motivated, ability to work with minimum supervision, seriousness about quality and timeliness of the work. 

  • Ability to conceptualize, develop plans and manage programmers as well as to transfer knowledge and skills to the health workers at sub-national level. 

  • Good data and analytical, negotiating, communication and advocacy skills. 

  • Knowledge of Microsoft office and analytical tools/application 

  • Experience in Social and behavioral change communication for Immunization is an asset

How To Apply

 Interested applicants with the appropriate qualification and experience should submit their most recent and detailed CV, via email to “” with the subject “Regional Routine Immunization and COVID-19 vaccination coordinator Technical Assistants” in the subject box.

Application Deadline:  October 27, 2024

Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted.

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